Benefits of Combining MERN Stack Technology with AI 

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Artificial Intelligence is a key player in the ongoing digital revolution. Its use in web and mobile application development will upgrade how enterprises can be perceived by their target audience. Right from the integration of AI-led image and speech recognition to large-scale data analysis- web and app development has seen a radical shift from the legacy HTML coded web pages to AI-driven elements driving the application.

AI is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to gather, analyze, and predict patterns from obtained data. It can then use these “predictions” to refine a product as per customer expectations. Additionally, AI has the power to learn from past patterns and improve a system’s performance.

This article will show you how AI, when leveraged with the MERN stack can be a game-changer for your business.

What is the MERN Stack?

The MERN stack is a collection of frameworks that can be used to create all the moving parts of an application- namely, the frontend, backend, and the database. The MERN stack is quickly becoming a top choice amongst developers due to the varied advantages offered by its components. Let’s take a look at these in a nutshell:

#1 MongoDB: MongoDB is a NoSQL database in the MERN stack. MongoDB is document-oriented and allows the user to store different kinds of data in documents of different sizes, which can then be indexed and queried using the JSON language. MongoDB is preferred over other databases due to its “sharding” capability where data is replicated across different servers to maintain a data backup at all times. MongoDB has the ability to horizontally “scale” in case the amount of data to be stored increases.

#2 Express.js: Express serves as the backend web framework that helps developers create fast web applications and APIs using its plugin library. Express supports code reusability and has a minimalist structure that is easy to adapt to.

#3 React.js: React is a front-end web library known for its ability to create SPA’s (Single Page Applications) that reduce web page load time, as only the altered UI elements on the page are refreshed, instead of refreshing the entire web page each time a change is made. React also supports the concept of code reusability.

#4 Node.js: Node uses an event-based, non-blocking input/output model that provides faster web page load time while increasing efficiency in application development. It is ais a JavaScript runtime that runs on Chrome’s V8 JS engine.

What are the Benefits of using AI for Application Development?

Integrating AI into any application ultimately leads to a “smart” system. Here are some of the benefits you can leverage on using AI in any application development:

  • Machine Learning driven pattern recognition returns faster search results
  • AI-powered customer engagement tools and chatbots lead to efficient visitor interactions
  • AI-led recommendations lead to a personalized user experience
  • User and data analysis conducted through pattern predictions can help in targeted customer marketing
  • AI-powered systems continuously improve by learning from past experiences and thereby making robust decisions.
Advantages of Combining MERN stack with Artificial Intelligence

Combining the two powerhouses- MERN and AI- can help development teams build scalable applications that can be quickly turned around in the market. Here’s how:

#1 Scalability

MongoDB used in the MERN stack is known for its ability to scale horizontally as soon as the load on the system increases. In the case of AI powered features, like integrating a smart chatbot on your website, the data collected can be stored on an incremental basis in a document format in MongoDB. This data can then be analyzed to derive patterns and train the chatbot to make informed decisions. MongoDB is capable of storing large amounts of data without slowing down the entire system.

Additionally, smart AI features introduced in functionalities like managing logistics, payment gateways, dashboard management, customer service management, etc. can have a huge impact on the overall performance of the application. MongoDB can support these complex tasks with ease due to its robust and scalable nature.

#2 Performance

Node.js non-blocking input/output feature ensures all tasks are performed asynchronously, thereby adding efficiency to the system’s performance. This is best leveraged by the various smart features that can be introduced by incorporating AI within the application. Node.js and Express.js will ensure that the system runs at optimum performance no matter how many smart features are included within the application.

#3 Code Reuse

React and Express support the concept of code reusability. This means that AI-powered features coded in another MERN application can be tweaked and re-used within your current application. This saves the overall development time and capital and introduces efficiency in the overall development cycle.

#4 High Security

MERN stack includes testing tools that can be used by developers to test the security of various components of the application. Additionally, all the components of a MERN-based application are stored in the cloud. This means it is easy to test codes and make modifications remotely. Applications developed using the MERN stack can be seamlessly integrated with secure hosting providers that provide smart security management tools to secure the application from third-party malicious attacks.

#5 Cohesive Framework

All the components in the MERN stack are open source, based on Javascript. This means that the languages can seamlessly be integrated with each other. The developers have to spend minimum time trying to figure out how to get these frameworks to work cohesively. They can focus their time and attention on discovering AI-powered features that can be integrated in the application. The extensive plugin library provided by Express.js can be leveraged with AI to create intelligent features within the application.

Final Thoughts

For a successful implementation of an AI-backed MERN web application, you need to hire personnel experienced in both, AI technologies and custom software development. Our developers at FargoWiz have a sterling reputation in this domain and can provide their expertise in creating scalable applications with cutting-edge technologies.

For more information send us an email at or request the below quotation form.